The Medium at Large September A Great September to everyone. I hope your summer has been a good one. With all the work that you have been doing, I hope you have taken time out to do some relaxing things also. Rember that taking time out to enjoy the weather and having fun is the best way to relax. It resets the mind so you can think clearer. Mine has been very active. Between work and readings, it has been very busy. I have been interviewed on the PBN podcast network. I will be interviewed at noon on the first, second, fourth, and the fifth Fridays of September. The host is Steve. When they become available I will post them on the website. These will be video podcasts. So, getting to the meat of this newsletter. This is the time of the year when things start to get busy. With the kids going back to school, the crops reading for harvesting. We need to start canning the vegetables that are ripe so we can enjoy them in the winter months. Then getting the rest of the things ready for winter. For the snowbirds, planning their trips to the south. For the ones that must stay, or want to stay up north, it is a time to get your winter gear together. This is done by making sure that things are tuned up, gas is fresh, and things are winterized. I remember when I was a kid, all of the prep work that we had to do at the end of September and early October. We would get the storm windows out and wash them plus the windows in the house {no streaks mind you}. We had to take out the screens put them away, and put the storm windows in. It weas an all day job. We didn't have three track windows, we had one track windows. Even though some of us don't want to think about it, we have to start preparing for winter winter. This we can do by getting our gardens ready for our fall planting. Adding our fertilizer, mulch, and compost to energize the soil. Plant our bulbs and flowers so that they will be ready for their rebirth in the spring. We can do this for ourselves too. We can set up htings that will help us get ready for the upcoming cold weather. Things like getting more sleep, taking our vitamins, and getting our heaver clothes out. Making sure that they fit. Don't get caught unprepared for the winter ahead. We have a great time of the year coming up also. It's the fall season. The beautiful colors, the cooler temperatures, and the fall vegetables. Enjoy them all. Keep well and warm. Love and Light Mike
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